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ECOLHE - Validation of a training model in digital competence for university teachers

The second Multiplier Event was held at the UOC University in Barcelona on July 6, 2022.

During the session, global information on the project was shared with the participants, as well as the methodological process and some conclusions of the local report carried out at the UOC for the Intellectual Output I: “Digital Technologies in HE: from the European vision to the university governance”.
Most of the time the event focused on assessing some of the most important elements of IO2: “Training pilot for online teaching in HE”.

The participants had the opportunity to review the Teaching Plan, part of the training content (the design of e-activities proposed in Activity 2) and part of the work done by the training participants.

Then, they evaluated through brief questionnaires the degree to which these elements of the training respond to the “10 Key components of online teaching and learning”.
All in all, the event was a great occasion to share many of the results of the ECOLHE project with different higher education professionals, and to receive their valuable opinion.

July 6, 2022 / Barcelona
